From 2020-2021, La Casa Mandarina AC implemented the Ballet After Dark Mexico (BADMx) project, a free, trauma informed, one-year course in holistic dance therapy for survivors of sexual violence. BADMx seeks to help survivors reprocess, rebuild, and reconnect with their bodies after experiencing sexual trauma using the power of somatic intervention and dance. BADMx was an adaptation of the program created by Ballet After Dark (BAD) and financed by FORCE: upsetting rape culture, both organizations in Baltimore, United States.
Heal trauma through dance!

We are very proud because, despite all the obstacles that existed, the participants did not lose motivation and continued their work with great dedication and joy. Thanks to Ameyalli, Dania, Hannia, Dani, Deni, Tonalli, Irma and Karla for believing and trusting in us and being part of this project.
Thanks to BADMx´s director, Cynthia Híjar, performing artist and body educator, who with her genius and creativity, fell in love with BADMx, made it her own and created a beautiful project beyond all our expectations. Thanks also to Anahí Arteaga Salas, BADMx resident, for being an accomplice of our dreams and sharing her heart and wisdom. We are very lucky to have them with us. Thank you all for keeping this dream alive!
And thanks to Ballet After Dark for guiding us, supporting us and sharing this beautiful project.
Heal trauma through dance!