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In 2014, La Casa Mandarina AC started the first Sexual Violence Advocacy Program in Mexico City in response to an overwhelming need for services and social awareness on trauma and sexual violence. Over the years, this program has been extended to the rest of the country, in person and virtually. Since then, we have advocated for more than 150 cases.


  • Advocate  for the physical and emotional well-being of the survivor

  • Empower survivors so they can get back the control of their lives.

  • Help survivors to navigate the legal, medical and institutional system.

  • Create awareness about TRAUMA.

  • Support family, partners and friends.

  • Validate survivors violence stories without asking for evidence.

  • Create spaces that build a culture of allies and not accomplices.

  • Build a new culture where survivors are supported instead of shamed and re-victimized.

  • End rape culture and build a culture of consent.

  • Give hope to the survivors.


  • Medical, legal and psychological counseling and advice:

    • Short-term individual.

    • Long-term individual. 

    • Group counseling for survivors.

    • Telephone counseling.

  • Crisis intervention.

  • Legal, medical and institutional advocacy.

  • Referral to our network of therapists specializing in trauma, sexual and intimate partner violence. 

  • Information and referral on medical and legal services.

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We have decided to pause our care and advocacy services.  

Thanks for your unconditional trust.

Full statement here.
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We have advocated for 150 cases. 

If you or someone you know

needs help, contact us. 


+52 55 52 50 48 59

Check out some of our advocacy cases here.

La Casa Mandarina AC is an honest and neutral organization that has no affiliation or responds to any political or economic interest. The advocacy program is CONFIDENTIAL.

Presidente Masaryk #178 5-501
Col. Polanco CP. 11570
Ciudad de México
Tel. + 52 (55) 52 50 48 59
2023 by La Casa Mandarina
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